2025 Events
- March 15: MKC Board meeting, 1 p.m., Community Room, Ypsilanti District Library - Whittaker Road Branch, 5577 Whittaker Road, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (map)
- July 19: MKC Board meeting, 1 p.m., location TBA.
- Nov. 15: MKC annual meeting, 1 p.m., location TBA
Work weekends will be added after the March 15 meeting; other events will be added as dates are set. Thunder Bay Karst Preserve work weekends generally are held the first weekend of each month from May through October. Fiborn Karst Preserve work weekends generally are held the third weekend of each month from May through October.
- For more information, please contact:
- Mark Whitney president@michkarst.org